*Казахский университет технологии и бизнеса имени К.Кулажанова осуществляет набор студентов на 1 курс по следующим образовательным программам: 6В02101 Графический дизайн, 6В02102, 6В02103 Дизайн моды, 6В02104 Архитектурный дизайн, 6В04103 Учет и аудит, 6В04105 Менеджмент, 6В04107 Государственное и местное управление, 6В04108 Финансы, 6В04110 Экономика, 6В05112 Биотехнология , 6В05213 Экология, 6В06114 Информационные системы, 6В06115 IT-менеджмент, 6В07116 Автоматизация и управление, 6В07117 Химическая технология органических веществ, 6В07219 Технологические машины и оборудования, 6В07231 Горное дело: физико-химическая геотехнология, 6В07218 Горное дело: открытая и подземная разработка месторождений полезных ископаемых, 6В07220 Технология продовольственных продуктов (по отраслям), 6В07222 Нефтегазовое дело: разработка и эксплуатация нефтяных и газовых месторождений, 6В07223 Технология перерабатывающих производств (по отраслям), 6В07224 Технология и конструирование изделий легкой промышленности, 6В07525 Стандартизация и сертификация (по отраслям), 6В11126 Ресторанное дело и гостиничный бизнес, 6В11127 Туризм, 6В11128 IT – технологии в сфере сервиса, 6В11129 Международный туризм, 6В11230 Безопасность жизнедеятельности и защита окружающей среды. Действует двух дипломная система образования и магистратура. При университете функционирует колледж по 13 специальностям в сфере технологии и бизнеса. Для иногородних предоставляется новый корпус общежития. Телефоны: +7(7172) 57 88 15, +7 708 425 06 60, +7 701 602 53 53

Department of "Information Technology"

Head of the Department

Тулегулов Амандос Дабысұлы







About the department

The Department of "Information Systems" is a structural subdivision of the Faculty of Technology, trains highly educated, fundamentally trained, competitive specialists who are able to conduct professional activities in the field of Information technology.

Цель кафедры – подготовить специалистов, удовлетворяющих потребностям рынка современных IT-отраслей и внести значительный вклад в мировое и национальное образовательное пространство в соответствии с требованиями стандартов профессионального образования и государственной программы «Цифровой Казахстан». Образовательная деятельность кафедры основана на мировом научном наследии и инновационных образовательных технологиях. Кафедра использует активные формы и методы организации учебного процесса, поощряет новаторство и вовлечение студентов в научно-исследовательский процесс, развивает сотрудничество с кафедрами ведущих ВУЗов РК, России, ближнего и дальнего зарубежья, а также с государственными и частными предприятиями.

The mission of the department is to train competitive specialists in the field of information and communication technologies and automated systems that are in demand in the labor market and seeking to contribute to the innovative development of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

History of the department:

The Department of "Information Technologies" was organized in August 2010 as a result of the reorganization of the Department of "General Education Disciplines". The department carries out educational activities according to the state license of the KZ29LAA00008797 series in the field of higher and postgraduate education without limitation of validity, issued by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan on 18.04.2017. The training is conducted in Russian and Kazakh.

Bachelor course

6B06114 –"Information systems"


The department trains specialists in undergraduate programs in educational programs EP 6V06114 – «Information Systems» in the state and Russian languages of instruction.

Graduates of EP 6V06114 – «Information Systems» carry out their labor activities at enterprises and organizations of various ownership forms that develop, implement and operate information systems in various fields of human activity and can expertly carry out work on the design, operation, administration, maintenance, testing and software support - hardware protection.

5 advantages of training in this EP:

1. High demand

2. Decent salary

3. Continuous self-development

4. Keep abreast of IT trends

5. The ability to develop your own IT projects

The field of professional activity of a specialist in «Information Systems» includes:

- The science

- Education

- Agriculture

- State and local government

- Information and analytical organizations

- Information and telecommunication enterprises

- National holdings

- Enterprises of engineering

- Construction organizations

- Enterprises working in the field of design, design of buildings and structures and other industries

- Information services of research institutions,

- information services of government,

- schools,

- information services of design organizations,

- information services of industrial enterprises and others.

Graduates of the department work at such enterprises as: JSC «National Center for Information Technologies», JSC «National Company Kazakhstan Temirzholy", Eurasian National University named after Gumilyov, Agrotechnical University. S. Seifullina, Tsesna Bank, College of Transport and Communications, Astana-Teplotransit JSC, etc.

6B06115 –"IT management"


6В05115  -  «IT MANAGEMENT»


The department trains specialists in undergraduate programs in educational programs: «IT management» in the state and Russian languages of instruction.

Graduates of EP 6В05115  -  «IT management», carry out their labor activity at enterprises and organizations managing economic information systems at all stages of its life cycle, at enterprises producing software products, at enterprises engaged in their implementation, as well as at enterprises consuming information systems , in organizations for the creation of information systems and their implementation.

In the magistracy in EP 6В05115  -  «IT management», specialists are trained in two areas of research and profile.

 5 advantages of training in this EP:

1. High demand

2. Decent salary

3. Continuous self-development

4. Keep abreast of IT trends

5. The ability to develop your own IT projects

The field of professional activity of a specialist in " IT management " includes:

- The science

- Education

- Project Manager, Business Analyst;

- Consultant on the implementation of IT-technologies in business;

- Head of IT projects, economic, financial, administrative divisions of organizations and institutions, companies, banks, etc.

- National holdings

- Enterprises of engineering

- System analyst of information resources

- business analyst

- consultant on economic and managerial issues of implementation and use of information resources

- Manager for the introduction of new IT technologies and systems

- economist at the computer center

- Head, developer and specialist for information systems support

- Specialist in the design and reengineering of IT systems.

Graduates of the department work at such enterprises as: JSC "National Center for Information Technologies", JSC "National Company Kazakhstan Temirzholy", Eurasian National University named after Gumilyov, Agrotechnical University. S. Seifullina, Tsesna Bank, College of Transport and Communications, Astana-Teplotransit JSC, etc.

6B07116 –"Automation and control"


The department is training undergraduate specialists in the educational program 6В07116 – «Automation and Control» in the state and Russian languages of instruction.

Graduates of EP 6В07116 – «Automation and Control» carry out their labor activities in the field of automation, informatization and management in technical systems associated with the use of means and methods of information processing for management in all areas of production.

Awarded degree: Bachelor of Engineering and Technology under the educational program «Automation and Control».

5 advantages of training in this EP:

1. High demand;

2. Decent salary;

3. Continuous self-development;

4. Keep abreast of trends in the field of IOT technologies and ACS;

5. The opportunity to participate in IT projects in the field of IOT technologies and ACS.

The subject of professional activity is the development, creation and operation of automated production systems; methods of analysis, forecasting and control of technological processes, technical systems and research facilities of high technologies.

The field of professional activity of a specialist in «Automation and Control» includes:

-automatization, informatization and management in technical systems associated with the use of means and methods of information processing for management in all areas of production,

- automated process control systems,

- automated information management systems,

- automated systems for receiving, processing and transmitting data,

- automated systems for designing systems, objects, devices,

- automated systems for complex testing of parts, products, components, devices in various industries,

- information and telecommunication enterprises,

- Engineering enterprises.

6В07155 – «Аrtificial intelligence»

Аrtificial intelligence – it is the ability of a machine to imitate human thinking. This is the name of modern technology, with the help of which electronic devices, programs and robots can solve various tasks according to specified algorithms.

The topic of artificial intelligence and machine thinking interested scientists even before the invention of computers, and after the advent of computers reached a new level. In the 1950s and 60s, issues related to the creation and use of artificial intelligence began to be widely discussed in society.

The answer to this question is also difficult to find because there are no clear criteria for the reasonableness of the machine. If this is the ability to make logical conclusions, then the computer has long surpassed man. If we are talking about flexibility and originality of thinking, then a person still surpasses even the most modern intelligent devices.

  • And it is actively used in a variety of fields, the list of which is expanding every year, and not only techies, but also humanitarians can find their place in this area
  • specialists in project management, advertising and PR, psychologists, economists, linguists.

What artificial intelligence programs can do

Modern artificial intelligence technologies allow you to create devices and programs that:

  • find the maximum possible solutions to one situation; machine intelligence can quickly analyze all options and calculate which of them will be the cheapest, safest, and most effective. The answers of the machine will depend on what task the person has set for it.For example, an AI can calculate which model or product is more profitable to produce based on data on the cost of consumables and sales volumes.
  • they can answer any questions integrated into their system; at the same time, the machine is able not only to find a ready answer in the database, but also to find it with the help of intermediate leading questions, gradually narrowing the search area. The famous online game "Akinator", when a person makes a character, and a machine asks questions and guesses who it is, is also based on artificial intelligence technologies.
  • collect and process large amounts of information, analyze it, combine unrelated pieces of information; this is how, for example, the image search system in Yandex or Google works.

In what areas is And And used

Language processing

Machine translation is actively used on the Internet and social networks, improving every year. The computer has learned to recognize both oral, written, and printed speech. According to forecasts, the translator will become one of the first professions that will disappear "through the fault" of АІ.

Computer games

Artificial intelligence is used to create a game universe, it controls bots – characters that people don't play for. Game strategies are created with the help of AI.

Financial management

Programs and devices successfully carry out accounting operations, keep records and control, and can create forecasts based on available data. Special programs keep records of expenses.

Environmental analysis

Artificial intelligence technologies are used to create "smart homes". Control over everything that happens in the house – electricity, heating, ventilation, operation of household appliances is carried out by a special program. Robot vacuum cleaners scan the surrounding space to determine if they need to get to work.

Mobile applications

Programs for mobile phones are able to recognize faces, track our location, monitor sleep and nutrition.


With the help of intelligent devices, it is possible to build a route of movement taking into account traffic jams, a computer in a modern car in certain modes tracks the position of the car on the road, controls the speed and engine power. AI technology is used in cars that can move without human intervention.


With the help of special programs, you can plan and publish materials on the Internet and social networks. AI technologies select content in accordance with the interests of the user. In the near future, computer programs will probably learn how to create texts based on materials already uploaded to the Internet.


AI can analyze applicants' resumes, divide them into groups depending on skills and qualifications, and even determine how suitable an employee is for a particular position.


Artificial intelligence analyzes patient data and identifies the relationship between treatment methods and the patient's condition. In the future, it is planned to create robots that will diagnose based on existing symptoms by accessing a medical database.

Heavy industry

Robots are actively used in areas where constant concentration on performing the same routine actions is necessary. The highest level of introduction of machines with elements of artificial intelligence into production at the moment is noted in Japan: for 10,000 employees of the automotive industry there were about 1,500 robots in 2014.

Why study technology АІ




Artificial intelligence is a technology not only of the present, but also of the future, and specialists in this field will have no problems with employment in the next few decades. Huge investments are already being attracted to this area, which means that there will be no problems with the remuneration of employees involved in the development, manufacture and implementation of AI technologies.

Contribution to science and culture

Artificial intelligence and the creation of intelligent programs and devices is an area in which new discoveries are constantly being made. By engaging in artificial intelligence, scientists and engineers are at the forefront of world science, pushing humanity forward. In addition, the development of artificial intelligence and its introduction into our lives generates a lot of ethical and philosophical issues, for the resolution of which we need not a machine, but a human mind capable of creative thinking.


In the field of AI creation, not only software developers are in great demand, but also people with creative thinking who are able to come up with and promote new ideas. To work in this field, it is important to be able to think outside the box. A separate promising direction that a creative person can take up is teaching a machine to create works of art. Even today, computers draw pictures, write music and poetry. In the near future, perhaps, they will take over the creation of books, movies and cartoons.

Mastering new skills

To work in the field of artificial intelligence, you need a good knowledge of mathematics and the basics of programming. To study AI, two branches of mathematics are most important – linear algebra and probability theory. The most popular programming language in this area is Python, followed by R and Lua. Knowledge of English is also useful – the most up-to-date scientific data, articles, reports on achievements and experiments are usually published in English.

For successful work in the field of AI, critical thinking is necessary, the ability to carefully test any hypothesis, compare all data, analyze any task from different sides. You will also need good communication skills – work on AI projects takes place in a large team, in collaboration with colleagues and specialists from related fields.

Machine learning and artificial intelligence technologies are one of the most interesting and promising areas, the study of which is useful for students not only with a mathematical, but also with a humanitarian mindset. This will help them acquire new skills, expand the list of possible professions and allow them to contribute to the development of scientific and technological progress.

The main task of intelligent data processing is to identify patterns in the processes under study, to search for relationships and mutual influence of various factors, large "unusual" deviations, to predict the course of various significant processes. This area relates to Data Mining.


Data Mining technologies ("data mining") are designed to search for and identify hidden relationships and interdependencies in data in order to provide them to the manager in the decision-making process. To do this, statistical methods of correlation, optimization and others are used to find these dependencies and synthesize deductive (generalizing) information.

Master's degree

7M06136 – "Information systems" (scientific and pedagogical direction),

7M06137–"IT management" (scientific and pedagogical direction),

7M06138– "Information systems" (profile direction),

7M06139–"IT management" (profile direction).

OP 7M06136 - "Information systems"


The department trains specialists in graduate programs in educational programs EP 7М06136 – «Information Systems» in the state and Russian languages of instruction.

Graduates of EP 7М06136 – «Information Systems» carry out their labor activities at enterprises and organizations of various ownership forms that develop, implement and operate information systems in various fields of human activity and can expertly carry out work on the design, operation, administration, maintenance, testing and software support - hardware protection.

In the magistracy in EP 7М06136 – «Information Systems» , specialists are trained in two areas of research and profile.

 The objects of professional activity of graduate students are:

- with specialized training (1 year):

• government bodies;

• industrial enterprises;

• financial organizations, etc .;

- with specialized training (1.5 years):

• government bodies;

• industrial enterprises;

• financial organizations, etc .;

with scientific and pedagogical training (2 years):

• research organizations;

• government bodies;

• schools;

• design organizations;

• industrial enterprises and others.

Awarded degree: Master of Technical Sciences in educational program 7М06136 – «Information Systems».

5 advantages of training in this EP:

1. High demand

2. Decent salary

3. Continuous self-development

4. Keep abreast of IT trends

5. The ability to develop your own IT projects

The field of professional activity of a specialist in «Information Systems» includes:

- The science

- Education

- Agriculture

- State and local government

- Information and analytical organizations

- Information and telecommunication enterprises

- National holdings

- Enterprises of engineering

- Construction organizations

- Enterprises working in the field of design, design of buildings and structures and other industries

- Information services of research institutions,

- information services of government,

- schools,

- information services of design organizations,

- information services of industrial enterprises and others.

Graduates of the department work at such enterprises as: JSC «National Center for Information Technologies», JSC «National Company Kazakhstan Temirzholy", Eurasian National University named after Gumilyov, Agrotechnical University. S. Seifullina, Tsesna Bank, College of Transport and Communications, Astana-Teplotransit JSC, etc.

OP 7M061 - "IT management"


7М06137  -  «IT MANAGEMENT»


The department trains specialists in graduate programs in educational programs: «IT management» in the state and Russian languages of instruction.

Graduates of EP 7М06137  -  «IT management», carry out their labor activity at enterprises and organizations managing economic information systems at all stages of its life cycle, at enterprises producing software products, at enterprises engaged in their implementation, as well as at enterprises consuming information systems , in organizations for the creation of information systems and their implementation.

In the magistracy in EP 7М06137  -  «IT management», specialists are trained in two areas of research and profile.

 The objects of professional activity of graduate students are:

- with specialized training (1 year):

• government bodies;

• industrial enterprises;

• financial organizations, etc .;

- with specialized training (1.5 years):

• government bodies;

• industrial enterprises;

• financial organizations, etc .;

with scientific and pedagogical training (2 years):

• research organizations;

• government bodies;

• schools;

• design organizations;

• industrial enterprises and others.

Awarded degree: Master of Technical Sciences in educational program 7М06137  -  «IT management».

5 advantages of training in this EP:

1. High demand

2. Decent salary

3. Continuous self-development

4. Keep abreast of IT trends

5. The ability to develop your own IT projects

The field of professional activity of a specialist in " IT management " includes:

- The science

- Education

- Project Manager, Business Analyst;

- Consultant on the implementation of IT-technologies in business;

- Head of IT projects, economic, financial, administrative divisions of organizations and institutions, companies, banks, etc.

- National holdings

- Enterprises of engineering

- System analyst of information resources

- business analyst

- consultant on economic and managerial issues of implementation and use of information resources

- Manager for the introduction of new IT technologies and systems

- economist at the computer center

- Head, developer and specialist for information systems support

- Specialist in the design and reengineering of IT systems.

Graduates of the department work at such enterprises as: JSC "National Center for Information Technologies", JSC "National Company Kazakhstan Temirzholy", Eurasian National University named after Gumilyov, Agrotechnical University. S. Seifullina, Tsesna Bank, College of Transport and Communications, Astana-Teplotransit JSC, etc.

Professional practice:

In the field of science, innovation and education, the department cooperates with such companies as Senim Group of companies LLP, Arta Astana LLP, Cleverest Technologies LLP, Sibi group LLP, TechLab Digital Solutions LLP and universities such as ENU.Gumilyov, ATU, PSU (Russia), RSUH (Russia), etc.

The base of production and pre–graduate practices are the following enterprises and institutions with which contracts have been concluded for the internship of students of OP 6B06114 – "Information Systems", 6B06115 - "IT management", 6B07116 – "Automation and management":

Senim Group of companies LLP, Arta Astana LLP, Cleverest Technologies LLP, Sibi group LLP, TechLab Digital Solutions LLP, Bark Technology LLP, National Information Technologies JSC, Mac-Astana Gordorstroy LLP, Kazakhtelecom JSC, LLP Able Business Innovations, Astana Transtelecom JSC, etc.

The places of internship are determined depending on the specifics of the OP and taking into account the possibility of further employment of students. The department pays great attention to the formation of a list of practice bases, carefully choose organizations where managers treat the organization of students' practice with due responsibility.

In order to harmonize the content of educational programs of leading Kazakhstani and foreign universities, academic mobility is provided at the university.

Academic mobility

It is one of the most important areas of international activity of the university and contributes to improving the quality of education, improving the efficiency of research work of students and research teachers, improving their professional, cultural and educational level, improving the management system, establishing external and internal integration relations of the Kazakh University of Technology and Business.

In order to optimize the educational process and ensure academic mobility of students in the formation of working curricula, the maximum unification of curricula of related specialties is provided, as well as the possibility of studying part of educational programs (training direction) in other universities, including foreign ones.

Academic mobility of students and undergraduates provides for mandatory transfer of mastered educational programs in the form of credits in accordance with the established procedure, and also includes the passage of educational or industrial practice.

Material and technical equipment

Training of specialists in the educational programs "Information Systems", "IT Management" and "Automation and Management" is conducted on the basis of the Faculty of Technology, the Department of Information Technology and the University as a whole. In the educational process, both specially equipped laboratories and general-purpose classrooms are used.

The total area of the educational and laboratory base used for the educational process according to the accredited educational program is 840 sq.m. Laboratories are equipped with the necessary equipment for high-quality training sessions, scientific work. Currently, there are specialized laboratories for robotics and automation, applications have been submitted for the purchase of laboratory equipment and devices for equipping laboratory rooms. Laboratories are used in the process of conducting laboratory classes in the relevant disciplines, to perform educational research and research work of students and meet the requirements approved by the laboratory passport.

The educational process involves 6 computer classes equipped with modern computer equipment and connected to the Internet.

The development of computer technology, information technology and systems has provided teachers with ample opportunities to ensure high efficiency of the presentation of the material. The use of multimedia technology and the university's network infrastructure made it possible to organize the study of modern network technologies, programming languages, tools for rapid application development, databases, and information systems. The use of computer technology makes it possible to increase the informative value of lectures and the volume of assimilable material through the use of presentation material.

At the Department of Information Technologies, a database of electronic textbooks has also been created, which is used by the teaching staff of the department and students in preparation for the educational process.

Спец аудитории

Laboratory of "Computer Graphics and computer Modeling";


The «Programming» Laboratory;


Laboratory of "Computer Systems and Networks";


Laboratory «TPP  and  Robotics»


Laboratory of General Physics;


Лаборатория «Прикладных исследований в области информационных технологий»


Лаборатория «Альтернативных источников энергии»


Лаборатория «Автоматизация технологических процессов и интернета вещей»


office of «Information and communication technologies»


office of «Information and communication technologies»


Scientific activity

The staff of the department, students and undergraduates are actively engaged in research work.

The scientific activity of the department is carried out in the following areas:

1. Digitalization of education

2. Modeling the IT infrastructure of an enterprise

3. Digital image and signal processing

4. Methodology and technologies for the implementation of mobile applications for small and medium-sized businesses

5. Parallel Computing

Informatization of education

1. Implementation of the Digital Kazakhstan program

2. Competence center

3. Student club of programmers

4. Promising activities for the commercial implementation of IT services

5. Prospects and problems of training IT specialists

The teaching staff of the department actively use modern information technologies and carry out research work related to the priority areas of industrial and innovative development of the economy of Kazakhstan. The results of scientific research of teaching staff are introduced into production and the educational process. On the basis of these works, author's courses are developed and the contents of lecture courses, practical and seminar classes are built, diploma works and master's theses are carried out.

The teaching staff of the department and students, undergraduates are directly involved in organizing and conducting scientific conferences and seminars.

More than 15 scientific papers of the teaching staff of the department have been published in international scientific publications Thomson Reuters and Scopus: Tulegulov A.D., Dzhumamukhambetov N.G., Ermekov N.T., Ospanova M.K., Abdoldinova G.T.

To improve the skills and qualifications of students of research and design activities, the development of scientific and technical aspects at the department of a student of the IT club.

Student Information Technology Club

The Student Club of Information Technologies is a voluntary association of students and employees of JSC "Kazakh University of Technology and Business", engaged in research, design and educational activities in the field of IT, implemented by the Department of Information Technologies.

The goal of the IT club is to improve the skills and competence of students in research and project activities, develop the scientific and technical potential of members of this student club, increase practical and additional knowledge of information technology, develop in all areas of Computer Science, exchange skills in order to increase versatility it-club.

Teaching staff

Full name

Academic degree



Baibekov S.N.




Idirissov Zh.M.




Shaikhanova A.K.

PhD doctor

head of the department, Ass.professor(docent)


Bektenov M.B.




Ermekov N.T.




Nurmagambetov M.Sh.




Serimbetov B.A.




Bekmagambetova G.K.

PhD doctor



Baimadieva G.A




Abdoldinova G.T.




Issina N.K.




Zharmaganbetova G.M


Senior Lecturer


Akishev K.M.


Senior Lecturer


Birlikov S.M.


Senior Lecturer


Tarzhibaeva B.E.

Senior Lecturer


Toleu A.Sh.


Senior Lecturer


Talgat A.


Senior Lecturer


Tokhaeva A.O.


Senior Lecturer


Ergesh M.Zh.


Senior Lecturer


Uaisova M.S


Senior Lecturer


Tleubaeva A.


Senior Lecturer


Abildina A.A.


Senior Lecturer


Serikbai A.T.




Agybayeva B.S.



Part - timers


Abdykhalikov A.T.




Kulmamirov S.A.




Tashenova Zh.M.

Доктор PhD



Orazayeva A.R.


Senior Lecturer


Maksutova K.M.


Senior Lecturer


Sericov K.S




Abdikul S.B.



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ООП (Java)Программирование на языке java06.01.2021Национальный университет Интуит72Сертификат
Технология разработки и стандартизация ПОPython for data science01.16.2023BILIM PARK72Сертификат
Анетова Айжан ЖакановнаWeb-технологииИнновационные методы преподования дисциплины "Web-технологии"05.10.2022-19.10.2022 г.МоскваНациональный открытый университет Интуит72Сертификат № 101552456
Компьютерное моделированиеКомпьютерное моделирование8.10.2022-22.10.2022 г.МоскваНациональный открытый университет Интуит72Сертификат№ 101552455
Бизнес аналитика и digital marketingБизнес аналитика и digital marketing07.08.2023-05.09.2023г., г.АстанаТОО «TECHLAB DIGITAL SOLUTIONS» IT-школа РОБОТОТЕХНИКИ и ПРОГРАММИРОВАНИЯ72Сертификат
Система управление базами данных, база данных в ИССистема управление базами данных04.09.2023-03.10.2023г., г. АстанаТОО «TECHLAB DIGITAL SOLUTIONS» IT-школа РОБОТОТЕХНИКИ и ПРОГРАММИРОВАНИЯ 72Сертификат
«Архитектура компьютерных систем»Инновационные методы преподования дисциплины «Архитектура компьютерных систем»15.01-26.01.2024г. г.АстанаОФ «Международный фонд по продвижению образования в СНГ»80Сертификат
ООП (Java)преподавания языка программирование java в ВУЗе 03.01.2024-05.02.2024ТОО «TECHLAB DIGITAL SOLUTIONS» IT-школа РОБОТОТЕХНИКИ и ПРОГРАММИРОВАНИЯ 72Сертификат
Компьютерные сети и администрирование Компьютерные сети и администрирование 05.01.2024-07.02.2024ТОО «TECHLAB DIGITAL SOLUTIONS» IT-школа РОБОТОТЕХНИКИ и ПРОГРАММИРОВАНИЯ 72Сертификат
Администрирование системы 1С: ПредприятиеАдминистрирование системы 1С: Предприятие04.01.2024-06.02.2024ТОО «TECHLAB DIGITAL SOLUTIONS» IT-школа РОБОТОТЕХНИКИ и ПРОГРАММИРОВАНИЯ 72Сертификат
«Research design: Inquiry and Discovery Course»«Research design: Inquiry and Discovery Course»Октябрь, 2022г., г. Гамбург«European Academy of Science and Research»14Сертификат
Master class “Cyberprofessor”
“How can a professor competentlyprevtntproblems with students?”
Master class “Cyberprofessor”
“How can a professor competentlyprevtntproblems with students?”
27 октябрь, 2022г., БельгияBelgian Education council108Сертификат
Master class “Cyberprofessor”
“Why should a modern professor give so much to students?”
Master class “Cyberprofessor”
“Why should a modern professor give so much to students?”
3 ноябрь, 2022г., БельгияBelgian Education council72Сертификат
Алгоритмические основы современной компьютерной графикиАлгоритмические основы современной компьютерной графики05.10.2022-19.10.2022 г.МоскваНОУ ИНТУИТ72Сертификат
Английский Центр «SpeakEng». Уровень «Intermediate».Course Teacher Marat SlamgazizovКурс уровень Course «Intermediate».08.08.2020-08.12.2021Excellent English Courese
Nur-Cultan, Certificate of Comletion, for successfully comleting the intermediate course at the «SpeakEng» eduacational centre
«IT-Менеджмент»«IT-Менеджмент»15 по 30 июня 2021 г.Алматинский технологический университет г.Алматы72Сертификат
«Современные тенденции применения инновационных технологий в образовательном процессе вуза». КазАТУ им. С.Сейфуллина, Нур-Султан, 7-8 Апреля, 2022г.«Современные тенденции применения инновационных технологий в образовательном процессе вуза»7-8 Апреля, 2022г., г.Нур-СултанКазАТУ им.С.Сейфуллина72Сертификат
Джумагалиева А.М.Введение в программирование (Python) Python мәліметтер базасы29.11.2021-10.12.2021 г.
КазАТУ им.С.Сейфуллина72Сертификат
Операционные системыОперационная система Linux04.10.-18.10.2023( Рег.№101620140)Национальный открытый университет "Интуит"72Сертификат
Основы Web технологии/Проектирование и разработка Web-приложений Web технологии04.10.-18.10.2023( Рег.№101620140)Национальный открытый университет "Интуит"72Сертификат
Визуальное моделирование"Визуальное моделирование в среде IBM Ratinal Rose"11.05.-25.05.2022( Рег.№101534150)Национальный открытый университет "Интуит"72Сертификат
Системы искуственного интеллекта"Искуственный интеллект"04.01.-18.01.2024( Рег.№101639825)Национальный открытый университет "Интуит"72Сертификат
Информационная безопасность и защита информацииВведение в защиту информации от внутренних ИТ угроз10.01.-24.01.2024( Рег.№101640496)Национальный открытый университет "Интуит"72Сертификат
Аналитика Big Data"Бизнес-аналитика и digitalmarketing"07.11.-19.11.2022( Рег.№C-03652)Научно-методический центр "ZIAT"72Сертификат
Автоматизация и технологии в РДГБАвтоматизация деятельности предприятия позничной торговли с использованием ИС25.01.-08.02.2024( Рег. 101642587)Национальный открытый университет "Интуит"72Сертификат
Управление базами данных/СУБДВведение в аналитику больших массивов данных05.12.-19.12.2022( Рег. ПК 101571901)Национальный открытый университет "Интуит"72Удостоверение
Основы Web технологииПроектирование и разработка веб-приложений на основе технологий Microsoft25.01.2024-08.02.2024 (Рег.№ 101642612)Национальный открытый университет "Интуит"72Сертификат
Проектирование и разработка Web-приложенийПроектирование и разработка веб-приложений на основе технологий Microsoft25.01.2024-08.02.2024 (Рег.№ 101642612)Национальный открытый университет "Интуит"72Сертификат
Основы теории системТеория информационных технологий и систем26.12.2022-09.01.2023 (Рег.№ 101576681)Национальный открытый университет "Интуит"72Сертификат
Базы данных в ИСОсновы работы с базами данных25.01.2024-08.02.2024 (Рег.№ 101642608)Национальный открытый университет "Интуит"72Сертификат
Визуальное моделированиеВизуальное моделирование: теория и практика12.10.2023-08.11.2024(Рег.№ 101623814)Национальный открытый университет "Интуит"72Сертификат
Автоматизация и методология DevOpsМетодология DevOps в разработке программного обеспечения25.10.2023-08.11.2024(Рег.№ 101623871)Национальный открытый университет "Интуит"72Сертификат
Системная архитектура для IT- менеджераАрхитектура микропроцессоров25.01.2024-08.02.2024 (Рег.№ 101642600)Национальный открытый университет "Интуит"72Сертификат
Операционные системыОсновы операционных систем. Практикум26.12.2022-09.01.2023 (Рег.№ 101576676)Национальный открытый университет "Интуит"72Сертификат
Архитектура КСАрхитектура микропроцессоров25.01.2024-08.02.2024 (Рег.№ 101642600)Национальный открытый университет "Интуит"72Сертификат
Моделирование бизнес процессов   Бастау Бизнес30.12.2022 - 16.01.2023(000000151800-30122022)Сертификат обучения Бастау Бизнес72Сертификат
Базы данных в ИС"Python for data science программалау тілі"03.01.2024-21.01.2024 (Рег.№ OP-009-109)Товарищество с ограниченной ответственностью "BILIM PARK"72Сертификат
Базы данных и СУБД  "Python for data science  программалау тілі"03.01.2024-21.01.2024 (Рег.№ OP-009-109)Товарищество с ограниченной ответственностью "BILIM PARK"72Сертификат
Бизнес-аналитика и digitalmarketing Бастау Бизнес30.12.2022 - 16.01.2023(000000151800-30122022)Сертификат обучения Бастау Бизнес72Сертификат
Омаркулова Г.Ш.Информационное обеспечение предприятий ресторанного бизнеса«Основы организации бизнеса»25.01-08.02.2024Национальный открытый университет Интуит72№101642583
Предпринимательство и запуск стартапов"Иновации и успех в бизнесе:Ресторанный бизнес, Стартапы и Цифровые стратегии"02.08-05.09.2023
Основы компьютерного моделирования«Основы программирования на примере языка программирования Python»03.01-21.01.2024
База данных и экспортные системы«Базы данных»03.10-17.10.2023
Национальный открытый университет Интуит72№101619680
Основы WEB технологийВеб - технологии и ситемный анализ: Основы для инноваций и эффективности03.08-06.09.2023
Основы теории системы.Веб - технологии и ситемный анализ: Основы для инноваций и эффективности03.08-06.09.2023
Бизнес –аналитика и digital marketing1.«Основы бизнес – аналитики»24.02-07.2024
Национальный открытый университет Интуит72№101642484
2."Иновации и успех в бизнесе:Ресторанный бизнес, Стартапы и Цифровые стратегии02.08-05.09.2023
ИКТ/АКТ"Структуры и алгоритмы компьютерной обработки данных"25.01-08.02.2024
Национальный открытый университет Интуит72№101619680
ДҚБЖ (MS SQL Server, Oracle, IBM DB2)«Базы данных»03.10-17.10.2023
Национальный открытый университет Интуит72№101642366
Компьютерлік желілер және компьютерлік желілерді әкімшілендіру«Компьютерные сети»23.02-06.02.2024
г. Москва
Национальный открытый университет Интуит72№101642440
Операциялық жүйелер (Linux, Unix, IoS, Android)«Операционная система Linux»23.02-06.02.2024
г. Москва
Национальный открытый университет Интуит
Талгат АмангульПрикладное программное обеспечение «Операционная система Linux» Москва, 23.01.2024 - 6.02.2024 Национальном Открытом Университете «ИНТУИТ»72Сертификат Рег. №101642363
Основы компьютерного моделирования«Компьютерное моделирование»Москва, 24.01.2024 - 7.02.2024 Национальном Открытом Университете «ИНТУИТ»Сертификат Рег. №101642525
Основы робототехники и микроконтроллеров«Основы робототехники и микроконтроллеров» г. Астана, 04.09.23-03.10.23 г.ТОО «TECHLAB DIGITAL SOLUTIONS» IT-школа робототехники и программирования72СЕРТИФИКАТ рег. №0156. Дата выдачи 3.10.2023 г.
Ақпараттық технологиялардың физикасы және физикалық негіздеріОбщая физикаг.Астана  01.07.2023-16.07.2023ТОО «Bilim Park Contract»72Сертификат №РН-012-86
ФизикаОбщая физикаг.Астана  01.07.2023-16.07.2023ТОО «Bilim Park Contract»72Сертификат №РН-012-86
ИКТ«Вычислительная техника и программное обесчпечение»г.Астана  23.11.2020-11.12.2020Атырау университеті72
Электрлік тізбектер теориясы және сұлбатехника«Введение в цифровую схематехнику»22.11.2020-08.12.2020Национальный открытый университет "Интуит"72Сертификат №101402586
Омаржанова Г.К.СУБД (MS SQL Server, Oracle, IBM DB2)"Введение модель данных  SQL"Москва, 26.01-09.02.2024 Национальный Открытый Университет «ИНТУИТ»72Сертификат №101642719
Визуальное моделирование"Анализ и визуализация данных"г.Астана, 03.01-05.02.2024"Techlab digital solutions"72Сертификат №0162
Искуственный интелект"Искуственный интелект"Москва, 24.01-07.02.2024 Национальный Открытый Университет «ИНТУИТ»72Сертификат №101642496
Деректер базасы және ДҚБЖ"Базы данных"Москва, 25.01-08.02.2024 Национальный Открытый Университет «ИНТУИТ»72Сертификат №101642628
Компьютерлік жүйелердің сәулеті"Архитектура микропроцессоров"Москва, 25.01-08.02.2024 Национальный Открытый Университет «ИНТУИТ»72Сертификат №101642607
Базы данных и СУБД "Введение модель данных  SQL"Москва, 26.01-09.02.2024 Национальный Открытый Университет «ИНТУИТ»72Сертификат №101642719
Анализ социальных сетей и визуализация данных"Анализ и визуализация данных"г.Астана, 03.01-05.02.2024"Techlab digital solutions"72Сертификат №0162
Операционные системы (Linux, Unix, IoS, Android) "Операционные системы Linux"Москва, 25.01-08.02.2024 Национальный Открытый Университет «ИНТУИТ»72Сертификат №101642622
Ақпараттық- коммуникациялық технологиялар"Структуры и алгоритмы компьютерной обработки данных"Москва, 26.01-09.02.2024 Национальный Открытый Университет «ИНТУИТ»72Сертификат №101642724
Максутова К.МСистемная архитектура для IT – менеджера Управление IT проектами Алматы 15.06.2020 Алматинский технологический Университет72сертификат №1443
Стандартизация и сертификация в области ИКТ"Innovative Educational Technologies and Didactic Models"Co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union 2020EURASIAN NATIONAL UNIVERSITY72сертификат №628
Бизнес –аналитика и digital marketing«ОСНОВЫ БИЗНЕС-АНАЛИТИКИ»Москва, 25.01-08.02.2024        Национальный Открытый Университет «ИНТУИТ»72сертификат №101642596
Методологии и инструменты управления it-проектамиУправление IT проектами Алматы 15.06.2020 Алматинский технологический Университет72сертификат №1443
Введение в программирование (Python) «Язык программирования
«Python for data science»»
Астана 01-16.07.2023ТОО «Bilim Park Contract»72Сертификат Nº OP-009-107
Разработка MVP it-проектовУправление IT проектами Алматы 15.06.2020 Алматинский технологический Университет72сертификат №1443
Основы планирования и управления IT -проектами Управление IT проектами Алматы 15.06.2020 Алматинский технологический Университет72сертификат №1443
Minor-Анализ социальных сетей и визуализация данных «Анализ социальных сетей и визуализация данных»Астана 10-22.10.2022"ZIAT" Гылыми-эдістемелік орталыты72сертификат  №C-03636
Информационно-коммуникационные технологии"Innovative Educational Technologies and Didactic Models"Co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union 2020EURASIAN NATIONAL UNIVERSITY72сертификат №628
Кульмамиров С. А.Теория линейных и нелинейных САУМетоды идентификации промышленных объектов и ТАУАлматы, 30.12.2022Алматинский университет энергетики и связи72сертификат №1209
Сызықты және бейсызықты АБТ Методы идентификации промышленных объектов и ТАУАлматы, 30.12.2022Алматинский университет энергетики и связи72сертификат №1209
Теория систем и системный анализМетоды идентификации промышленных объектов и ТАУАлматы, 30.12.2022Алматинский университет энергетики и связи72сертификат №1209
Исина Н.К.Математический анализСертификат по инновационным подходам и методике преподавания математики линейная алгербра
Астана 24.09.2022 гZIAT Ғылыми-әдістемелік орталығы72СЕРТИФИКАТ
Высшая математикаСертификат по инновационным подходам и методике преподавания математики
линейная алгербра
Астана 24.09.2022 гZIAT Ғылыми-әдістемелік орталығы72СЕРТИФИКАТ
Алгебра и геометрияСертификат по инновационным подходам и методике преподавания математики
Математика в экономике
Астана 22.10.2022 гZIAT Ғылыми-әдістемелік орталығы72СЕРТИФИКАТ
Численные методыСертификат по инновационным подходам и методике преподавания математики
Математика в экономике
Астана 22.10.2022 гZIAT Ғылыми-әдістемелік орталығы72СЕРТИФИКАТ
Объектно-ориентированное программирование (Java)  "Программирование на Java"Москва, 26.01.2024-09.02.2024 Национальный Открытый Университет «ИНТУИТ»72СЕРТИФИКАТ
Базы данных и СУБД     "Введение в программную инженерию"Москва, 31.03.2022-14.12.2023 Национальный Открытый Университет «ИНТУИТ»72СЕРТИФИКАТ
Компьютерные сети и администрирование "Компьютерные сети"Москва, 31.03.2022-14.12.2023 Национальный Открытый Университет «ИНТУИТ»72СЕРТИФИКАТ
Базы данных в ИС"Введение в программную инженерию"Москва, 31.03.2022-14.12.2023 Национальный Открытый Университет «ИНТУИТ»72СЕРТИФИКАТ
Системы искусственного интеллекта"Современные интеллектуальные системы и Интернет технологии"Астана, 19.07.21-31.07.21Научно-методический центр Зият72СЕРТИФИКАТ
Бизнес аналитика и d.m.Сертификат по Бизнес аналитикеТараз 11.01.2021 ТарГУ им. М.Х.Дулати72СЕРТИФИКАТ
Управление IT праектамиСертификат поУправление IT праектамиТараз 11.01.2021 ТарГУ им. М.Х.Дулати
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Outstanding graduates of the department

  • Ospan Bauyrzhan – Sleverest Technologies LLP, No. 1 robotics company in Kazakhstan, Technical Director
  • Nurgaliev Kenjegali-Sleverest Technologies LLP, No. 1 robotics company in Kazakhstan, Chief Operating Officer
  • Yastabai Gaziz-Sleverest Technologies LLP, No. 1 robotics company in Kazakhstan, Technical Director
  • Sarmantai Ablay – Founder and director of "Able Online Academy"
  • Azhigali Sabyrzhan - works at Corporate Business Systems Group, software engineer, https://cbs.kz
  • Results of participation in various competitions:

    The Information Technology Student Club is a voluntary association of students and employees of the Kazakh University of Technology and Business JSC engaged in research, project and educational activities in the field of IT implemented by the Department of Information Technology.

    The purpose of the IT club is to increase the skills and competence of students in research and project activities, the development of scientific and technical potential of the members of this student club, increase practical and additional knowledge in information technology, development in all branches of Computer Science, exchange of skills in order to increase the versatility of the IT club.

    Teaching staff of the department and students, undergraduates are directly involved in the organization and conduct of scientific conferences and seminars.

    Students of the department demonstrate outstanding success in their studies and scientific activities. Many students and undergraduates are winners and prize-winners of international and republican subject Olympiads and scientific competitions.

    In order to deepen students' knowledge in the core disciplines and prepare for participation in Olympiads, research projects, seminars, conferences, a student IT club was organized at the Department of Information Technology, as well as circle work with students "Young Programmer" and "Robotics Circle".

    During the semester, students of the Department of Information Technology weekly carry out work on the development of the IT club. The participants of the IT club are actively preparing for the Republican R&D competition, take part in international, republican, city events in the field of IT technologies (Hackathons, IT forums, conferences, Olympiads, contests, etc.);

    Implemented projects of students, undergraduates of the Department of Information Technology:

    Electronic Portal project www.cooutb .kz for the Student Service Center of JSC "Kazakh University of Technology and Business", developer - 1st year student of OP "Information Systems" Ruslan Eldeev (admission 2018). Supervisor: Tleubayeva Arailym Orynbaykyzy, M.T.N., senior lecturer.

    The project "Career of students and graduates of KazUTB", a web portal is designed for interaction between students, graduates, university and organizations on career development issues. Developer: Ajinali Sabyrzhan, specialty "Information Systems", (admission 2018). Supervisor: Tleubayeva Arailym Orynbaykyzy, M.T.N., senior lecturer.


    Results of participation in various competitions: 

    On April 20-21, 2022, students of the Department of "Information Technologies" took part in the 2nd stage of the Republican subject Olympiad on OP "Information Systems" among students of Universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

    The Olympiad was held at Esil University, Nursultan on April 20-21, 2022. Our university was represented by a team led by the senior lecturer of the department Tleubaeva Arailym Orynbayevna.

    Team composition:

    Сеитов Чингиз, Ис-183,4 курс

    Сабыржан Ермахан, Ис-192,3 курс

    Калмухамет Алмас, Ис-202,2 курс

    According to the results of the Olympic Games, the 4th-year student of the OP "Information Systems" Seitov Chingiz took the 2nd prize.

    On April 18-19, 2022, students of the Department of Information Technology took part in the republican robotics championship Robocon-2022 among university students, the team included students of 2-3 courses:

    Сабыржан Ермахан, Ис-192,

    Берикулы Тельман, Ис-201,

    Калмухамет Алмас, Ис-202

    Team leader - Tleubayeva Arailym Orynbayeva, M.T.N., senior lecturer of the department


    On February 28, 2022, 3rd year student of the Information Systems OP Kenzhebaev Talap took 3rd place in the Online Hackathon Property Hack on the topic "Property Hack (search for hardware ideas)"

    On March 14, 2022, a 3rd-year student of the OP "Information Systems" Kenzhebayev Talap was awarded a diploma of the 1st degree for participation in the project "IV International Book Edition", "The Best Student" among scientific and educational institutions of the Commonwealth of Independent States, organized by the Association of Legal Entities in the form of the association "National Bobek Movement".

    On December 1-2, the II Republican Robotics Championship among universities "ETU Robocon 2021" was held in Almaty.

    The ETU Robocon 2021 Championship is a competition between student robotics teams based on the Arduino platform. It gives young scientists the opportunity to create robots "from scratch", starting with design and mechanics, then electronics and ending with writing a robot intelligence program. Thus, each participant of the championship is a ready—made young specialist, suitable for the position of junior laboratory assistant in any scientific institute engaged in science in the field of IT, electronics and robotics.

    This year, 13 student teams from Nur-Sultan, Almaty, Kyzylorda, Pavlodar, Ust-Kamenogorsk and Almaty region are taking part in "ETU Robocon 2021".

    Before the championship, young designers assembled two robots on the basis of their universities with the help of mentors: automated and controlled. It took them from six to eight months. The task of the first is to send a "rocket" to an improvised planet, and the second must move along a certain trajectory and load balls into the hole.

    Note that all robots are assembled from scratch, and from improvised means – cardboard, plastic, metal, batteries, ropes and other things. The imagination of the participants is not limited here. The main condition is that the device must work on the Arduino platform. This is a small board with its own processor and memory. A program written in advance with all the necessary parameters is loaded into the processor, through which the robot is controlled.

    From the "Kazakh University of Technology and Business" @kazutb_university participated teams from the Department of "IT" under the guidance of senior lecturer of the department Tleubaeva Arailym Orynbaykyzy,

    Team composition:

    1. Берикулы Тельман,2 курс, ОП «ИС»,

    2. Елемес Сұнқар Садуақасұлы, 2 курс, ОП «ИС»,

    3. Ерман Рамазан Батырбайұлы, 2 курс, ОП «ИС»,

    4. Қалмұхамет Алмас Асқарұлы, 2 курс, ОП «ИС»,

    5. Қадырханов Мухамеднур Мирамбекович, 3 курс, ОП «АиУ».

    The team proved to be proactive in the competition, certificates of participation were awarded!

    The team and the department support the development of the robotics direction in further studies at the university and wish new successes in development!

    On October 1, 2021, the first Start-up Ideathon was held at the Department of "Information Technologies" – a competition for the generation of new startup ideas of KazUTB students!

    We are very grateful to the sponsors and our partners @dr.cleverest @techlabs_it club

    Special thanks to mentor Nikolai Chan @nick.tyan for the lecture!

    Students of the Department of Information Technology took 3rd place in the contest of the social project Makaton "TOM: Nur-Sultan"

    The Astana Zhastary Youth Resource Center, together with the Association of Friends of Tel Aviv University in the Republic of Kazakhstan, Astana International University and the GreenTal Social Workshop, with the support of the Nur-Sultan Youth Policy Department, conducted the Meikaton social project "TOM: Nur-Sultan".

    Makaton is a 72—hour marathon where inventors, engineers, doctors (makers) developed devices, gadgets, prototypes to facilitate the lives of people with disabilities (neednowers). The project consisted of such stages as: Pre TOM stage (April 23): the first meeting of the teams with the neednowers, where ideas and ways of their implementation into a prototype are discussed, the teams present their ideas for passing to the next stage. TOM Stage (May 28-31): a meeting of the teams a month after the PreTOM stage, 72-hour work on their project and presentation to the jury.

    In the final stage, our team with KazUTB "MBTF" as part of:

    1. Кадырханов Мухамеднур, студент 2 курса ОП

    “Автоматизация и управление”

    2. Елемес Сункар, студент 1 курса ОП

    “ Информационные системы”

    3. Берикулы Тельман, студент 1 курса ОП

    "Information Systems" with the project "Fixing stocking for foot stabilization" became the winners of the 3rd place. Each team member was awarded certificates for 40,000 tenge from Sulpak!

    Team leader: Tleubaeva Arailym O., M.T.N., teacher of the Department of “IT”

    Congratulations and we wish you creative success and even more victories!

    Students of the specialty "Information Systems" took part in the competition of IT projects "Hakaton Yassawi SmartTech", which was held in Turkestan on February 28-29, 2020. According to the results of the competition, our KazUTB team received the nomination "Best Presentation" and a smart watch as a prize.